Page 24 - HOSPES DREAMS Summer
P. 24

After a while, I started seeing it as a novel, and the psychology of the character poped up when I saw photos of her that told me the things I couldn’t  nd in books. It wasn’t just about passion, there were other emotions involved such as empathy or anger. Sometimes you get frustrated because you are missing information or maybe there’s something about the character you don’t understand. In the case of Alexandra Feodorovna (the last Tsarina of Russia) she was a very complex woman, not very likeable, so there are things that I wrote in the  rst person even if I thought otherwise.  is is not as hard as other writers portray it, but it does create some con icts.
In this particular case, since the process was so long, with so many ups and downs, the presentation was very special to me, because I was surrounded by close friends and other people very dear to me. I distinguish my work from who I am. A big part of me is re ected in that novel, but my personal life is focused on other things, so that does’t a ect my mental health. If people like my book, I’ll be pleased. If not, then I didn’t get it right.
What’s Espido Freire like?
I try to reach a balance between my emotions and my thoughts. I place reason before feelings, and I tend to analyse things from an intellectual
What’s it like to publish a book and then wait for the readers’ feedback?
I rarely worry about that, because at that moment, my work is done.  en the promotion stage begins, I do my best to make booksellers’ work easier and also to help the publishing house selling the book. However, at this point there’s not much I can do. My duty concludes when I hand in the book, writen and edited.
perspective. I probably do this because I’m very sensitive and things a ect me more than it seems. I chose a job that is also my passion, and these emotions are somehow re ected. I usually share my feelings, so I become more intense than usual, that’s why it is very important to reduce that intensity on your daily life.

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