Page 31 - HOSPES DREAMS Summer
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 ere is another peculiarity of Australia that is also one of its main riches: its well preserved aboriginal culture and history.  e inception of its original population goes back more than 50.000 years and its traces can be found throughout the country. For instance, in the Northern Territory we can  nd the Kakadu National Park, that has preserved its intricate galleries containing rock art considered a World Heritage site. Another example is the National Gallery, in Canberra, that hosts the biggest aboriginal art collection in the world, in which we can  nd pointillist artworks, watercolour paintings, pottery, engravings, and sculptures.
and a myriad of pubs and restaurants specialised
in all kinds of international food. If there’s
something that Australians love that’s good cuisine.
Its gastronomy is composed by a combination of high
quality Asian food and  sh from its wide coast. It is
worth saving some time to visit one of its local markets.
Moreover, Australia has a wide variety of wines
since 60 of its regions produce di erent varieties
such as Shiraz, Pinot Noir or Chardonnay. Some of them even host wine festivals, including the Tasting Australia, which is celebrated every two years.
1 Melbourne features a wide cultural offer in the form of museums.© Visit Victoria.
2 Aerial view of del the Sidney harbour.
© Tourism of Australia.
3 The huge bridge that is raised over the Sidney harbour can be crossed on foot, by bike, or even escalated. © Tourism of Australia.

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